SEEtech Solutions: Energy Efficiency Projects Implementation

Case Study for Replacement of 2.2 KW
Motor at Ganga Roller Flour Mills

Proposal for Energy Saving

During the study of power consumption of the plant, it was observed that most of the motors are working in under loaded condition. This under loaded condition also reduces the efficiency of the motor.

It was decided to replace these kinds of motors with the less capacity motor, which will run on nearer to full load condition.

For this purpose a 2.2 KW motor from Chakki Elevator from Cleaning Section was selected.

This same motor was replaced with new IE5 1.5 KW Motor having frame size of 2.2 KW motor.

Work Done to Achieve Results

A 2.2 KW motor is of 100 Frame size and 1.5 KW motor is of 90 Frame.

Frame size of 2.2 KW motor and 1.5 KW motor are different hence with the help of OEM we fixed the 1.5 KW motor in a 2.2 KW motor’s frame and replaced the same with old ABB make motor.

Electrical parameters of the existing motor and the new one were monitored for nearly 2 hours.

Comparative data of both the motors are as follows:

Aspects Old 2.2 KW Motor New 1.5 KW IE5 Motor
Rating Plate

Setup at Site
  • Total Power Saved for the duration of 2 Hrs. = 1.276 – 0.902 = 0.374 KWh 0.374 KWh is about 29.31 % of the total power saved.
  • 8000 working Hrs of Wheat Cleaning Section / 2 Hrs. = 4000.
  • 4000 X 0.374 KWh = 1496 KWh per Year for Single Motor.
  • Annual Savings in INR = KW X Yearly Running Hours X Percentage Saving X Unit Rate = 1.5 X 8000 X 29.31 X 9.69= 34,082
  • Payback period in months = (Investment Amount / Annual Savings) X 12 = (35,614 / 34,082) X 12 = 12.54 Months

*Note: Unit Rate & Working Hours are taken from Energy Audit Report’s chapter 4 – Current Energy Scenario and 4.1 Applicable tariff.

Conclusion: Unit Rate & Working Hours are taken from Energy Audit Report’s chapter 4 – Current Energy Scenario and 4.1 Applicable tariff.

  1. Replacement of a single motor of 2.2 KW with 1.5 KW saves 0.374 KWh for 2 Hrs,
    which is 29.31% of the total consumption.
  2.  This replacement will nearly save 1500 Units for a single motor