SEEtech Solutions: Energy Efficiency Projects Implementation


Servo Motors for Hydraulic Presses & Injection Moulding Machines

Such presses or machines require power for some time during the production cycles. However, the hydraulic pump keeps consuming a constant minimum power throughout the time pump is on. This no-load cycle could by 20 to 50% or even more. Servo motors operates with instant ON-OFF and saves on the constant minimum power consumption which happens in case of induction motor operated hydraulic pumps. Savings are of the order of 25 to 35% through this EET.

High Pressure Heat Pump

Salient features:
We offer low-cost hot water for your process up to 60 to 65% lower than resistive electrical heating. It is financially feasible options for adaptation of High Temperature Heat Pump. Heat Pump & Circulation Pumps Warranties up to 1.5 years. EMI or Leasing options available (Subject to terms of the leasing/financing company)
Hot water outlet temperature up to 75 deg C can be available. Capacity available is up to 200 KW and higher Wide Ambient Range -7 to 45 deg C. Environment Friendly Green refrigerant is used. It comes with modbus connectivity and protective system with thermostat, pressure switch and overload protector flow. Facility for monitoring is also available.
Electrical Geysers are very costly option for water heating. Solar Water Heater which is high investment option, does not fulfil needs during rainy season and peak winter season. Heat pump consumes 1/6th of energy as compared to electrical geysers.
Savings: 60 to 65% than electrical resistive heating.

Direct Mount Plug Fans & BLDC Motor Fans

Salient features: We offer specially designed plug fans installed with IE5 efficiency motor for blowers and fans. These drive delivers good savings and these are cost effective also. Applications can be In 2 to 3 months’ supply & installation possible. Automation provides additional benefits.
Comparison: In general, Blowers and fans consume lot of energy as they have rotating parts. Also, Energy Conservation fans available in market are costly. So, our specially designed fans are good and cost-effective alternative.
Savings: 25 to 40% savings with 1.5 to 2 year’s payback.

Utility EE Retrofit Projects

Salient Features: SEE-Tech’s uniqueness is that it identifies EE technologies that will have smaller payback period. Retrofit projects require lesser investments as compared to Solar power projects or captive generation plants. Thus, it is a financially attractive method for improving Energy Efficiency and minimizing costs. Some of the retrofitting projects can be as follows:
  • Auto tube cleaning system for chillers
  • Distributed Steam Generation for Steam line losses reduction
  • Evaporative condensers replacing Air cooled & Water-cooled Condensers
There are several such technologies which can improve utility performances.
Comparison: Retrofit technologies require lesser investment and hence payback is faster. Whereas RE technologies for reducing energy costs have higher payback periods and hence not feasible in most of the cases.
Savings: Savings can be 20 to 40% in case of retrofit projects for Energy Efficiency.

Other EE Technologies

Salient features: In addition to common Energy Efficiency methodologies, which can be used in most of the setups, there are many other EE technologies, which are case specific or industry specific. These technologies help industries to go forward and achieve targeted savings. Process specific measures can be Screw blowers (@ 1 bar for Aeration in ETP), Compressed air heat recovery for process hot water, Localized dust collector instead of centralized, Fuel shift in furnaces & ovens, Replacing compressed air with automation (e.g. Stepper Motor).
Savings: 10 to 20% savings with 1 to 2 years payback period